Freedom Ministries
Reaching The World For Christ
- Right Where The World Is
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Freeing Captives is a ministry to those who are hurt through the industry of human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and other physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual trauma.
Personal Challenge and Outdoor Adventure Ministries encourage participants to press beyond the limits of their fears. Richmond Ropes and ministries of YWAM Virginia are the avenues for this ministry.
Preservative Talk Radio is one means to introduce the culture to a biblical world view. God’s truth is the only solution to both our temporal and spiritual needs.
Funds provided to the General Offering support all activities of Freedom Ministries and its ministers.
Funds may be designated for particular facets of the ministry by designation
Make all gifts payable to:
Freedom Ministries
For General, undesignated gifts, mail to:
Freedom Ministries
P.O. Box 3172
Hampton, Virginia 23663-0172
For Designated Gifts, mail to:
Freedom Ministries
Attn: (State the designation)
P.O. Box 3172
Hampton, Virginia 23663-0172
Missions Aviator In Training - Trinity Aviation Academy will train our missions aviator to pilot, repair and maintain a variety of aircraft to enable him to serve in missions aviation.