Freedom Ministries

Reaching The World For Christ

- Right Where The World Is

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.


     Every person has been invited by God to become a child of God.  Jesus came to his own but is own would not receive him.  But to as many as received him, to them he gave them the right to become children of God, even to those who believe on his name.

     Each of us who have received him have the pleasure  and duty to continue his ministry; to bring sight to the blind, set the captives free, proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.   

A Christian Missions and Discipleship Ministry

Max & Bethany McCullough began their ministry partnership, prior to being married, ministering to people who are combating exploitation and other physical, emotional, and spiritual trauma.  They now serve Youth With A Mission making disciples for Christ, ministering to deep needs of staff, students  and strangers alike.


Jesse & Madeline Carmichael minister through Youth With A Mission, through Richmond Ropes and the Discipleship Training school where participants “lose their fear & find their call.”  The lead teams in various missions outreaches in America and overseas.


David and Leslie Carmichael founded the ministry designed to apply innovated means to reach people for Christ and disciple His followers.  Their ministry includes discipleship of youth and young adults; motivational and education speaking by personal appearance, on-line and radio; training and advocacy for Christian religious liberty; and training and administrative support for missionaries.


Missions Aviator In Training - Trinity Aviation Academy will train our missions aviator to pilot, repair and maintain a variety of aircraft to enable him to serve in missions aviation.